Permanent Placement and Temp-to-Perm

When you need a full time driver on a permanent basis, We will provide the driver your looking for. You can hire the driver directly or set up a driver to start off as a temporary driver, see how they work out, and if they have what it takes to join your team, you have the option to hire them.

Red Semi Truck
Driver Holding Wheel

Seasonal / Temporary

When a driver calls in sick, needs a vacation, has jury duty or ….. Well, You know, you’ve received those calls. Drivers on Demand has a pool of qualified drivers ready to fill in at a moment’s notice. If you need a driver to meet increased demands, call us, we can help. We can send drivers anywhere in the country.

Recruiting / Direct Hiring

We offer services to help you and your organization in the recruitment of qualified drivers. With well over a thousand drivers hired and placed, we know what to look for to maximize success and minimize turnover. Call us today and find out how we can help.

Truck and Trailer evening
Driver Standing in Front of a Line of Trucks

Qualified Drivers

Our Drivers are screened based on knowledge, skills, training, experience and driving record. We ensure they have the experience as well as proficiency in the operation of the motor vehicles they are assigned to operate.

Qualified Drivers to meet your needs!

Our drivers are qualified to meet your standards! We have hiring standards that are not easy to meet, but if you have specific standards that exceed ours, we can accommodate your requirements.

  • Driver Qualification Files and Drug Testing FilesWe maintain complete files on every driver which may be inspected by the customer at any time.
  • Criminal and Sex Offender Background Checks – We do a Multi-state Criminal and Sex Offender check on every driver.
  • Drug and Alcohol Testing – All drivers are tested according to FMCSA/DOT specifications. This includes pre-placement, random and post-accident testing. All drivers are enrolled in a random drug testing consortium and are subject to quarterly random drug testing. All drivers are processed through the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol Clearing House.
  • Workers Compensation and Unemployment Insurance – we will take this worry off your plate. We provide the workers compensation for our drivers and handle the unemployment claims.
  • Payroll – we pay all wages including the withholding and submission of payroll taxes.